These are Frequently Asked Questions that I personally have been asked by people inquiring about web design...

  1. Do I really need to have a web presence?

  2.       - the answer is no, but with a web presence you can advertise not just locally, but also to the outlying areas as well as globally to bring in new customers. The pros by far outweigh the cons on this one!!
  3. What if I don't have a computer?

  4.       - Well in all honesty, since we do all the work on your site, there really is no need for you to have a computer. Although we can recommend where to get some good ones...
  5. What if I don't have an internet provider?

  6.       - Again, there is no need for you to have an internet provider, but if you want one, we can help you find one to fit you budget...
  7. What if I already have web space?

  8.       - If you already have web space and would like to use that space, we can still help. Again, that is our business, web design. We just offer web space to those customers who don't have webspace availible already.
  9. What about on-line HTML Editors?

  10.      - Well, as long as yo don't want total control over your design, then the editors are fine and free, but with SWD it's your design without all the work!!
  11. Why not use a bigger company with more experience?

  12.      - You can, but do you really think that large companies with thousands of accounts have the time to sit down with each one and individual their site, customize a service plan and be personally available?   I personally choose smaller companies because the service is so much more individualized.
  13. Can I use a customized logo or can one be created?

  14.      - As long as you have a picture or photo of your logo, we can put it on your site.  Right now, SWD can only create Text logos.
  15. Can my customers order my products off my site?

  16.      - Unfortunately, that option is not available at this time. However, it will be available in the near future.
  17. Can my customers contact me from my site?

  18.      - Yes, we do offer free email addresses.
  19. Are all the sites the same or can I customize mine?

  20.      - You're site will be customized to your preferences. It is our policy not to quit working until you are happy.

for any other question or comments email us

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