About our Web Designers and Web Design

Silver Web Design was founded in on March 10th, 2000 by Michelle Lathrop & Stacy Silver.

Michelle is the Senior Web Designer and has a background in computers as far back as the Commodore 64 in the 1980's.

She began designing web pages five (5) years ago with her first page at Geocities.

Now Michelle has created and maintains over thirty multi-paged web sites, six (6) of which are on-line stores.

Michelle has taken classes in Web Design to aid her in her learning and will be attending college to earn a degree in web site design.
Her education now consists of teaching herself the programming language of HTML and will continue to learn on her own until she can attend college.

Our second designer, Stacy Silver is a creative and upcoming web designer with a fresh talent.

Stacy has just recently begun designing and shows extrordinary talent and creativity. Not only does she design, but also exceeds in marketing as well.

Currently, Stacy maintains 1 web site and is actively preparing another.

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